If you’re a student, the rising costs of attending post-secondary education can put a lot of pressure on you, both in school and once you finish your studies. You may find that economic circumstances, including the job market, have radically changed from the time you began your studies. Factor in that the maximum amortization period […]
Category: Consumer Proposals
Category: Consumer Proposals
Are you looking for an understanding of Consumer Proposals in Nova Scotia? Look no further, our blog has an incredible amount of consumer proposal content. Read on!
Will a Consumer Proposal Affect My Mortgage Renewal
If you are reading this then you are most definitely wondering ‘Will a consumer proposal affect my mortgage renewal?’. You are not alone. A consumer proposal typically does not impact a mortgage renewal. In every client instance, that our office has assisted with, we haven’t had a single client experience any issues in renewing their […]
Will My Creditors Accept My Consumer Proposal?
You’ve probably been asking yourself ‘Will My Creditors Accept My Consumer Proposal?’ Knowing how a consumer proposal works is important – we wrote an extensive article on how they work, what they are, how much they cost, etc. We highly recommend you read that article prior to reading this one. A consumer proposal is arguably […]
What If Your Consumer Proposal Is Rejected
We discussed in another article that the chances of a consumer proposal being rejected are extremely slim. Today we will be discussing what if your consumer proposal is rejected. In the unfortunate event that your proposal does get rejected by creditors what are your options? Your options become quite limited in the event this occurs. […]
When is a consumer proposal removed from your credit report?
Both TransUnion and Equifax have their own policies in regards to how long a consumer proposal stays on your credit bureau and when a consumer proposal is removed from your credit report. Below is the most current data, from their websites: Consumer proposal credit effect according to Transunion From their website: The consumer proposal and […]
Consumer Proposal vs Bankruptcy: A Detailed Comparison
When we assist clients in reviewing their debt consolidation options we can often tell that our clients wonder whether or not they should file bankruptcy vs consumer proposal or if other options are more viable and should be considered. We try to make this as easy as possible by visually showing them the difference in […]
How does a consumer proposal affect credit?
I wrote in my article about whether a consumer proposal can be rejected that the most frequently asked question I receive is in relation to if a proposal can be accepted. The second most frequently asked question by far is how does a consumer proposal affect credit? There is a lot to this question but […]
Can A Consumer Proposal Be Rejected?
Can a consumer proposal be rejected? Yes, a consumer proposal can be rejected. A consumer proposal requires that at least 50% of your creditors vote in favour of your proposal. In the event they do not, it will not be accepted. Thankfully, when working with us the chance of a proposal being rejected is almost […]
Consumer Proposal: What is it, how does it work, etc?
Are you considering filing a consumer proposal but are not sure precisely what a proposal even is? We receive a significant number of inquiries as to what a consumer proposal is, how do they work, what are the costs, and if you should file one. We will dive into all of these questions in this […]