Are you considering debt relief in Nova Scotia? If yes, then you’re not alone. With a national debt of over $691 billion, it’s no longer a secret that Canadians are wallowing in debt. According to a survey carried out at the beginning of the year, one in every five respondents revealed they would have no option […]
Category: Blog
Are you looking for debt topics in Nova Scotia? Look no further, our blog has an incredible amount of debt-related content. Read on!
5 Steps To Get Debt Free Fast!
Becoming debt free is a goal that so many consumers have these days. With debt loads rising faster than incomes, it is an unfortunate fact that debt has become a way of life for so many. With nearly $1.79 in debt for every dollar of income we make, it is clear that times are becoming […]
Debt Settlement: Myths and Facts?!
We receive many inquiries about debt settlement. We wanted to provide some information about what debt settlement is. What it isn’t. And the myths and facts about the process. Debt settlement or credit settlement is where you, or a debt settlement company, contact your creditors directly and makes arrangements for you to pay less money. […]
Debt Consolidation – How Does It Work in Halifax?
Debt Consolidation is a term we are all familiar but is often misunderstood. Simply put, it is the process in which you take all of your debt and put it into one bundle. Instead of having 3 credit cards, and 2 loans, you would restructure them into one package with one payment. There are several […]
Case Study: Tammy’s Story
In any family, unexpected health issues can arise and wreak havoc on day-to-day and long-term finances. Tammy and her husband, a hardworking couple, discovered this when Tammy’s husband experienced an unexpected health issue and was unable to continue working. Initially, he received long-term disability payments to help cover expenses. After a period of time, the […]