Category: Blog


Are you looking for debt topics in Nova Scotia? Look no further, our blog has an incredible amount of debt-related content. Read on!

Will Debt Consolidation Stop a Garnishment?

Will Debt Consolidation Stop a Garnishment? Will Debt Consolidation Stop a Garnishment?

Do you currently have a garnishment against you? Have you been asking yourself ‘Will Debt Consolidation Stop a Garnishment?’. This is a great question and largely depends on the type of debt, the type of consolidation, and your situation. We’ll go through various situations below. If you are in a situation that isn’t covered please […]

What Is The Cost Of Debt Settlement?

What Is The Cost Of Debt Settlement? What is the cost of debt settlement

Knowing what is the cost of debt settlement is a critical question. Cost is certainly the biggest question that most people have when it comes to any debt relief option, let alone debt settlement. Typically speaking, most people considering this form of debt forgiveness are already struggling financially and are worried that an additional cost […]

Can I Negotiate A Debt Settlement By Myself?

Can I Negotiate A Debt Settlement By Myself? Can I Negotiate A Debt Settlement By Myself?

When we review options, we often get the question ‘Can I negotiate a Debt Settlement by myself?’ Let’s explore this today. Most Canadians struggling with debt are very concerned about costs and often wonder if they can implement a Debt Settlement plan by themselves. This is a great question that at face value is simple […]

Debt Settlement Programs: How Do They Work?

Debt Settlement Programs: How Do They Work? Debt settlement programs how do they work

Debt settlement programs have existed in Canada and Nova Scotia for a very long time. Their goal is to help save money on interest, fees, and principal balance. Of course, every situation is different, but there the basic process remains the same for everyone who signs up for a debt settlement program. This article is […]

Debt Forgiveness – 5 Things You Do Not Know

Debt Forgiveness – 5 Things You Do Not Know Debt forgiveness 5 things you dont know

Each and every day we help people navigate their financial struggles. Whether someone got sick, lost their job, became separated from their spouse, or made poor decisions in the past and want to rectify them; there is always a solution to deal with debt. You hear the term debt forgiveness thrown around all the time. […]

Are Debt Consolidation Programs Worth It?

Are Debt Consolidation Programs Worth It? Are Debt Consolidation Programs Worth It?

Are debt consolidation programs work it? This is a question I am sure is asked over and over again by not only consumers but professionals as well. While this question is probably easily answered by most, it is a loaded question. We will try to get into many of the various possibilities where debt consolidations […]

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