Selling Assets To Pay Off Debt Is Not Always A Good Idea. Have you ever wondered if you should sell your assets to get out of debt? Are you unsure if it will actually make a difference or if there is a better option? The ideal situation would be to keep all of your assets […]
Case Study – New Family
Expecting a child can be one of the most exciting times of our lives. It can also be one of the most stressful. By far the biggest concern for most people is the financial strain. How will you afford this little bundle of joy? Unfortunately, a new addition to the family can also add debt. […]
Case Study – New To Canada
People come to Canada from all over the world for a chance at a better life. Sometimes it’s a better job, to be closer to family, or just to live the Canadian dream. No one moves to Canada to accumulate a crushing amount of debt. Sadly, that was what happened to the young man in […]
Case Study – New Homeowners
Buying a home is the biggest purchase that most of us will ever make. Unfortunately, it can often come with unexpected expenses that send your costs sky-high. The family in this case study ran into this problem – the renovations on their new home had launched them into a debt spiral. We were there to […]
Case Study – Recently Separated
Divorce is horrendous, there’s no doubt about it. Add in debt, and a bad situation gets even worse. Relationship breakdown is one of the common reasons people file a consumer proposal or bankruptcy. Not only do the assets get divided up, so do the liabilities. This brings many challenges as emotions run high. This case […]
Case Study – Professionals with Kids
No one in the world is born with an innate sense of how to manage their money – this is a learned skill. It doesn’t matter what your income looks like if you don’t think about how you spend it you can quickly see your expenses eating up a discomforting chunk of your income. This […]
Case Study – Business Failure
Debt troubles even those you’d least expect. This case study reviews the events of a family who seemed to have it all – two incomes, two cars, the house, the kids. One partner had even started their own business. Nevertheless, under the surface, debt threatened to ruin everything they had built. Background The couple had […]
Case Study – Illness In The Family
One of the most common events that spurs a financial crisis is a sudden illness that prevents one from working. It can strike at any time and few of us are prepared for a long-term absence from the workforce. This problem was compounded for the family in this case – they had to face the […]
Case Study – Single Parent Family
Being a single parent is one of the hardest jobs in the world. Balancing a budget is daunting enough, never mind when you have little ones to worry about. It’s not surprising that lone parent families are more than twice as likely to use payday loans than couples with children. The focus of this case […]